Insect Walking Arena
During the Autumn Semester of 2022, I was fortunate enough to work alongside some University researchers in a group to complete our Design and Build Project for the subject Design in Mechanical And Mechatronic Engineering. We implemented a variety of different techniques to create a design for an arena that could then be used to monitor the gait of insects. This was wanted to achieve a better understanding of gait typology to further the development of hexapod robotics. Our final design implemented sliding features to control the track's width and a glass prism to gain both a top and side view of the insect walking.
Throughout the subject, we participated in 4 sprints where we were required to present our prepared deliverables to the supervisor and the client. This was a method of project management that I had not utilised before, and I enjoyed it as it allowed for set goals to be achieved within a reasonable timeline.
This was an enjoyable task to work on and provided me with great experience getting to work with researchers. It was a great experience getting to iteratively work through a project like this and see the actionable change that can occur from such a task. I received a Distinction for this Project.